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Anne Church

Office Assistant

Anne Church was raised in Pennsylvania and moved to Wayne County in 1991. She resides with her husband of 41 years and they have a son.

Anne comes to us with many years of secretarial experience to utilize in helping our organization. She enjoys meeting new people and is always willing to lend a hand.

Anne loves that Family Promise helps families overcome homelessness. The children are the heart of the program and seeing them smile is the best feeling.


Evonne Pomerantz

Associate Director

Evonne was born and raised in Wayne County, NY, where she has continued to reside and raise her children. She is a SUNY Empire State College graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Community and Human Services, focus on youth and families.

Evonne comes to Family Promise with over 24 years experience working with families in our community in a variety of roles including Assistant Director in a Childcare Center, Teacher in UPK program, Advocacy, Girl Scout Leader, Red Cross Instructor, Supervisory/Guidance over Sodus Point Lifeguards, volunteer with Celiac Strong Camp, Inc, and Parent Education/Support through FACT (Families and Community Together) here in Wayne County.

Evonne feels the best part of the job is meeting the families, connecting, providing guidance, sharing tools with families to use on their journey, and watching them grow as a whole family unit. Evonne is excited to be part of FPWC and being able to use her familiarity with the county to benefit families in their time with us. Evonne has had her own personal experience with family homelessness and has found the first part of the journey growth is recognizing home is where you are together as a family and together you can move forward no matter where you are.


Nancy Ramos

Care Coordinator

Nancy Ramos was born in Manhattan, NY, and raised in Lyons, NY, where she has spent her adult life. She attended the Lyons Jr./Sr. High School where she was also able to attend the BOCES program for early childhood and cosmetology. Nancy has done a wide range of work over the years, mostly managerial, and has spent many years doing volunteer work with a great friend of hers, Carolyn, with her organization Helpful Hearts Community Closet.

Nancy immediately felt a connection with Family Promise of Wayne County. Nancy states, “I once needed the support that this program offers and I felt it was my duty to give back. I’ve been impressed by the loving, caring, dedicated group of volunteers and staff that make up Family Promise. I spend most mornings with our families when they return from their overnight stays at the congregations. The guests are grateful for the hospitality and generosity the congregations provide. I'm one of the first people to see our guests when they enter our program with fear of the unknown. It gives me great pleasure to witness our guests’ growth, where their fear turns to strength. I cannot put into words how this makes me feel. I could not have been placed here
without God who I believe is the glory of the story. With the help of our community this organization
will thrive. Thanks to everyone for your support!”

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